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HumanKind Wales Privacy and Confidentiality Statement

Therapy data collection (group or one-to-one)


Jenny Thompson and Karen Wilson are both registered practitioners and if you decide to work with one of us then we will be ask you for your consent to data collection


What data will be collected?

We will ask for details such as:

  • Name

  • Address

  • Email

  • Phone number

  • Date of Birth

  • Emergency contact

  • GP

  • Any other treating practitioner e.g.: psychiatrist, psychologist, CMHT

  • Other relevant information or diagnoses


This information may be collected either by paper at the first meeting, or electronically. It will be stored either electronically in a password protected form, or on paper in a locked filing cabinet.


During the course of our work together your phone number and email address may be kept on your therapist’s phone/tablet/laptop. This will be deleted as soon as therapy is complete.


Therapy records: will include the date you started therapy, all appointments given and whether or not they were attended and the date of the last appointment. They will also include a brief summary of each appointment. Your therapist may also keep some notes to aid her thinking about your work together, which will be destroyed at the end of the working relationship. All records will be stored, whether electronically or on paper, separately from your identifying details.


Emails: emails sent to HumanKind to arrange initial appointments etc. will be deleted from the HumanKind email account at the earliest opportunity, and if you never use our services will be deleted completely.


If you go on to use our services, your emails will be stored either electronically or printed off and kept as paper copies in a locked filing cabinet.


Texts: will be deleted at the earliest opportunity and a record made of their content if necessary.


Confidentiality: everything that occurs in therapy sessions is confidential between you and your therapist. There are two exceptions to this: 1. Your therapist may consult with other colleagues to reflect on your work together and ensure that she is providing the best possible service to you. This is known as supervision and your name and any identifying details will not be shared in this process. 2. If anything arises in therapy where it is clear you, or somebody else is at risk, the therapist has a duty to break confidentiality and share the information. Wherever possible the therapist will discuss this with you first and may encourage you to share such information outside the therapy appropriately.


How long are records kept?

Records will be kept for seven years as determined by our insurers before being destroyed. You can ask to see your records at any time and they will be made available within one month at the latest.


You have the right under data protection law to access a copy and explanation of your personal data.


To request correction or erasure please let your practitioner know by email or phone.


You can make a complaint to the ICO about how your data is stored.


Workshop data collection

If you attend one of HumanKind Wales workshops, we may ask you for your name, email and phone number, and whether you consent to being on our mailing list database.


If you consent, we will keep your data on a password protected word document stored on the HumanKind Wales computer.


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